
Head of Department

Mr P Loader (

Teaching Staff

Mr P Ironmonger(Second in Department,
Mr J Lambert (
Mr C Joy (
Mrs M Meickle (

Science Technician

Mr M Gould (

Department Information

The Science department consists of 5 teachers each based in their own lab and they are all subject specialists.

KS3 Overview

We teach Science in the 3 Strands of Biology, Chemistry and Physics and based on the big ideas of Science. In order to aid our students achieve mastery we focus on  key concepts in Biology, Chemistry and Physics that we will return to, and build on, in subsequent years

We build connections between the topics by identifying each of them as part of our Big ideas of Science. This enables us to reflect back to previous topics and look forward to the next in a more accessible way for the students.

Cells and cellular processMaterials and their processesEnergy
Biological Systems of lifeChemical ChangesForces and fields
Organisms and their interactions with the environmentOur Earth and its atmosphereMatter and materials

Throughout our curriculum we will use these strands to aid us to take the opportunities there are to reflect on previous link topics and build on previous concepts.

In years 7 – 9 the students have 6 lessons a fortnight in Science, please find the detailed information about the content in the curriculum journeys below.

KS4 Overview

Most students study towards Combined Science GCSE and one group who have opted for the separate sciences study towards GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
All students are taught the separate strands by a dedicated teacher.

Combined Science


The Biology course covers the key concepts in Biology, cells and control, genetics, natural selection and genetic modification, health, disease and the development of Medicines, plant structures, animal coordination, control and homeostasis, exchange and transport in animals and ecosystems and material cycles.


The Chemistry course covers the key concepts of Chemistry which include atomic structure, the Periodic Table, bonding and calculations as well as topics such as,states of matter, separating mixtures, acids, reactivity of metals, groups of the Periodic Table, energy changes, reactivity, fuels and the atmosphere.


The Physics course covers motion, forces, conservation of energy, electromagnetic spectrum, radioactivity, electricity, magnetism, electromagnetic induction, the particle model and forces and matter.

Separate Sciences

The separate sciences include all this but then build in them with extra content including:


In Biology going further and deeper into each topic including protein synthesis, sex-linked inheritance, the kidneys and monoclonal antibodies.


In Chemistry solution and gas calculations, fuel cells and more organic chemistry


In Physics, nuclear fission and fusion, astronomy, electromagnetic induction, electrostatics and rotational forces.

Exam Board Specification

Enrichment Opportunities

Year 7 Science club Drop in help sessions for year 10 and 11 STEM ambassador talks Science week activities and competitions Annual Top of the Bench competition

Contact Us

Main Office: 01306 887 337
Student Absence: 01306 878 784
Finance Office: 01306 878 796

The Priory School
West Bank