Young Carers
A young carer is a young person under the age of 18 who provides ongoing unpaid care for a sibling, parent, or a significant family member. This can be someone with a diagnosed, long term/chronic illness, physical or learning difficulty, mental ill health, or substance/alcohol dependency. This may be at home, but could also be a person who lives away from the family home.
At The Priory School we believe it is imperative that all young people have support for their social, emotional and mental health needs, and this is especially true of Young Carers who are themselves caring for someone in their family. We recognise that when a young person looks after someone in their family who has a serious illness, disability or substance misuse problem, he or she may need a little extra support to help him or her get the most out of school. Schools can play a vital role in supporting students who provide care for someone else, as well as raising awareness in others of Young Carers’ needs. For any number of social reasons, Young Carers can be difficult to identify, and often remain hidden from view but, with awareness and understanding, we are in a position to do all we can to support them.
The Priory School:
- Has a designated member of staff who has special responsibility for young carers. Our designated lead is Miss Roach.
- Can put young carers in touch with the local Young Carers Service. We can also put families in touch with other support services.
- Is accessible to parents who have mobility and communication difficulties and involves them in parents’ evenings.
- Respects your right to privacy and will only share information about you and your family with people who need to know to help you.
- Will consider alternatives if a young carer is unable to attend out of school activities e.g. detention, sports coaching, concerts, due to their caring role.
- Allows young carers to telephone home during breaks and lunchtimes.
- Complies with the Disability Discrimination Act by offering disabled parents support to get their children into school.
If you have any questions about how we support our Young Carers please contact Miss Roach: