Our Team
At the Priory School we have a fantastic team in place to educate, support and guide our students.
Senior leadership, heads of year, teachers and teaching assistants all work together to help our students progress and thrive, and we do this with wisdom, hope, dignity and community.
We are very proud to have a team of teachers who truly believe in our approach. Each and every one brings a wealth of academic experience to our school, and they do so with a solid foundation in the pastoral care. Together, we educate our students for life in all its fullness.
Senior Leadership Team

Mr T Currie
Assistant Headteacher

Mrs B Godwin
Business Manager
Our Governors
The Priory School is led by a dedicated group of governors that operate two committees; the Learning and Teaching Committee and the Resources Committee. These two sub groups are charged with the curriculum, teaching and learning, and financing respectively. View our List of Dorking Priory Governors.