Curriculum Overview

KS3 - Years 7-9

Our KS3 curriculum offer has been developed to contribute to our vision of educating for life in all its fullness. Rooted in the values of wisdom, dignity, hope and community, it retains a breadth as well as an increasing depth over time in order to fulfill this vision. The development of this curriculum also forms a coherent part of the wider provision of our five year curriculum spanning Years 7-11. Opportunities are built into all aspects of the curriculum to enable students to respond with creativity, curiosity and purpose as unique individuals made in the image of God.

The language and intention of the curriculum ensures a view of progress that is unlimited. Our curriculum builds in the explicit teaching of the skills which are essential to equip all students with the capacity to learn and progress as well as possible in each subject. Progress in each subject is tracked and is used to prepare students effectively for starting Key Stage 4.

The curriculum delivery supports knowledge recall and is truly a learned curriculum. All subjects areas work to develop student’s disciplinary literacy as we support each student to achieve the very best that they can.

Providing a curriculum that is seeking to educate for life in all its fullness means that it is ambitious – part of this includes the curriculum having an outward looking nature. Opportunities are given to engage students with the wider community, locally, nationally and beyond. We work hard to help our students to know and understand the opportunities that they have in the world and the responsibilities that they have, based on the biblical principle of agape love. This also extends beyond subject provision and includes a well developed tutor programme and chaplaincy offer.

KS4 (GCSE) - Years 10 & 11

Key Stage 4 represents a period of specialisation in which students study for national qualifications.

Our students follow a core curriculum of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and Science and can select from additional subjects for study: Art, Dance, Design and Technology, Drama, Food Technology, Geography, Health and Social Care, History, Modern Languages, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education and Sociology. Students make their GCSE option choices in year 9, and we discuss their chosen pathway before the final selection is made.

At The Priory School, our students work towards GCSEs, BTEC qualifications, and the English Baccalaureate. We offer these choices to our students so that they can select the most appropriate qualifications to suit their further goals.


GCSEs are General Certificates of Secondary Education, and they cover a broad range of subjects that give students a solid foundation of knowledge. They represent the standard secondary school qualification. When studying science, most students take Combined Science, a double GCSE, or they can apply to take the separate Biology, Chemistry and Physics GCSEs (sometimes known as Triple Science).


BTEC qualifications are specialist work-related qualifications, and these studies combine practical learning with subject and theory content. They are designed for young people who are interested in a particular sector or industry but are unsure as to what job they would like to do. They are equivalent to GCSEs but vocationally based. BTEC Tech Awards (newly designed for 2022) are available at Level 1 and Level 2. At The Priory School we offer the BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts with a Dance Approach, and the BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care.

The English Baccalaureate

The English Baccalaureate is a set of subjects at GCSE that keeps young people’s options open for further study and future careers. It consists of English Language and Literature, Mathematics, the Sciences (including Computing), Geography or History, and a Language. Find out more.

Contact Us

Main Office: 01306 887 337
Student Absence: 01306 878 784
Finance Office: 01306 878 796

The Priory School
West Bank