Head of Department
Mr J Sherringham (jsm@priorycofe.com)
Teaching Staff
Mr J Sherringham
Department Information
The Drama curriculum is taught by a single specialist teacher. It is exclusively taught in a purpose built Drama studio with a professional sound and lighting rig.
We have our own computer sweet and additional rehearsal rooms.
We also have customisable staging for use in lessons and exam performances.
We also make use of the main school hall for large scale productions.
KS3 Overview
Drama at KS3 is about developing those essential and enjoyable performance skills. We want all students to feel comfortable and confident about performing in front of others and expressing
themselves as with as much variety and skill as possible.
These are skills vital to take forward into the future helping our students become confident and well rounded individuals.
As they develop throughout KS3 they will be introduced to elements of drama such as
practitioners like Stanislavski, periods of historical context, relevant texts and scripts as well as engaging skills like mask work and mime.
We also introduce various social aspects of theatre to help the students learn how express
important and deeper meaning in their performances helping to develop their own understanding of the world. All of this takes place in our dedicated and fully equipped Drama Studio allowing them to feel the experience of performing onstage with lights and sound enhancing their experience.
KS4 Overview
At KS4 we follow the Pearson Edexcel exam board. Drama in year 10 and 11 is about developing their skills so that they are knowledgeable about a wide range of theatre styles and practitioners, giving them the ability to take drama further beyond the classroom.
Things become a little more abstract at this stage and students are introduced to styles such as ‘Theatre of Cruelty’ and ‘Theatre of the Absurd’. They use these styles to devise their own
performances pushing the boundaries of their comfort zones and expression.
We also study a range of set texts for both performance and written exam. Choosing
contemporary scripts for their performances allows those able actors to thrive.
We then study one of the many classic scripts for them to write about in their final exam, done
with a practical style to allow them to consider how that script could be realised in performance.
Whenever possible we will always go and see a piece of live theatre allowing the students to experience the thrill and excitement of seeing something live and in person that every young person should have the opportunity to do. This experience is then analysed and evaluated for
them to use in their final exam.
Exam Board Specification
Enrichment Opportunities
There is always opportunities for students to be involved in Drama outside the lesson time. We run Drama club for KS3 at lunchtimes, finding ways for what they have been working on to be performed live either at open evenings or other events.
When KS4 students are in the process of rehearsing for their performance exams the drama studio becomes their space for rehearsal lunchtimes or after school, meaning they can be supported beyond the lesson time. They also have the opportunity to attend after school development sessions when it comes closer to the exam period, allowing them to keep developing their understanding of the set texts and live performance but without the pressure of it being in lesson.
And of course everyone is invited to be involved in the annual ‘Whole School Production’. The highlight of the school year for many! Previous productions include: Little Shop of Horrors, Grease, Bugsy Malone, Annie and High School Musical.