Academy Consultation

Proposal to become an academy and join Enlighten Learning Trust

The Governing Body of The Priory School is proposing that our school becomes an academy in partnership with the Enlighten Learning Trust (ELT). Our Governing Body welcomes your questions and comments about this proposal to help inform its final decision. We are currently going through a period of Due Diligence.

What is an Academy?
An academy is a state school, funded directly by central government, and joining an academy is known as ‘academisation’. When a school such as ours becomes an academy, they gain some additional freedoms and responsibilities.

The Chair of Governors, Rev’d Peter Nevins talks about the proposal of joining ELT

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Main Office: 01306 887 337
Student Absence: 01306 878 784
Finance Office: 01306 878 796

The Priory School
West Bank