
Head of Department

Mr B Harris (

Teaching Staff

Miss J Roach (
Miss R Mastandreas (

KS3 Overview

In KS3 our aim is to introduce students to a wide range of Art disciplines from sculpture, abstract painting, collage, observational drawing including shading techniques to create tone and depth, printmaking, papier-mâché, colour theory, by teaching new techniques in a broad range of materials, to support the application of these skills in preparation for KS4 study.

Students are introduced to artists, designers and craftspeople from a culturally diverse background.

As students progress through KS3 we develop students’ critical thinking and ability to express themselves verbally and on canvas, showing a more rigorous understanding of art and design and how this has impacted and continues to influence the world around us.

Throughout KS3 students are prepared for future study by working to the GCSE AQA Art assessment objectives

  • AO1: Investigate and research
  • A02: Refine and experiment
  • A03: Record ideas (eg through drawing)
  • A04: Present a final outcome

KS4 Overview

In KS4 the Art curriculum is an exciting time to further experiment and refine skills using a variety of materials techniques and processes including drawing for different purposes follows the AQA Art and Design Fine Art pathway on which students are expected to produce a portfolio of work (often referred to as the non-examined assessment) and an externally set assignment. The externally set assignment is set by AQA and students are given the choice of themes to produce work and concludes with a 10 hour exam to produce a final piece, be this a painting, drawing, mixed media piece, textiles, fashion or sculpture. The opportunities are endless if you are motivated to succeed.

In Year 10 students focus on creative, stimulating projects some will be open in nature, others will have a greater degree of prescription. The key theme in year 10 surrounds Distorted Portraits.. In the latter part of year 10 students will create a substantial portfolio of work which allows the opportunity to explore their personal interests in Art and Design by following either the theme of Concealment, Animals or My Surroundings.

The curriculum aims to develop on the knowledge, understanding and technical skills learned in KS3. It allows the opportunity to explore a subject in depth, supporting the development of critical thinking skills equipping students with the knowledge, skills and confidence to continue with their Arts education post 16.

Curriculum Journey

Exam Board Specification

Enrichment Opportunities

KS4 Art Club – Mondays lunchtime & Tuesdays after school

KS3 Art Club – Fridays lunchtime (week B)

Contact Us

Main Office: 01306 887 337
Student Absence: 01306 878 784
Finance Office: 01306 878 796

The Priory School
West Bank