
The Priory School values the health, safety and well-being of our students above all else. We have clear expectations of staff, volunteers and governors, and keep strict processes and procedures in place to safeguard the young people in our care. Safeguarding our students is our concern across all environments and activities, and includes child protection, health care plans, health and safety, site security, safety on school trips, anti-bullying work and much more.

In line with our holistic approach, we pride ourselves on being available to students and truly listening to what they have to say. In turn, we educate them on how to reach out for support if a situation makes them uncomfortable – or even if something just doesn’t feel quite right. The ongoing dialogue between staff and students facilitates discussion and allows students the opportunity to express their thoughts in an informal environment.

Every member of staff at the Priory School has been trained in child protection and safeguarding, and how to spot the signs of physical/emotional harm or neglect. In these cases we are required to make a report to the Designated Safeguarding Lead. Where necessary, we will also initiate the involvement of third party agencies. We will discuss our concerns with the parent or carer first, before making any referrals, unless we believe that such a move may be contrary to a student’s welfare.

Please visit our Health & Wellbeing page for additional information and resources or email the safeguarding team at:

The Priory School's Safeguarding Team

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Trimnell


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads

Mr T Currie

Assistant Headteacher

Miss J Roach

Head of Year 7

Mrs A Bullen


Mrs M Knight

Attendance Officer / DDSL

Mrs C Lister

Head Of Year 7

Contact Us

Main Office: 01306 887 337
Student Absence: 01306 878 784
Finance Office: 01306 878 796

The Priory School
West Bank