Sponsored Walk

We will be hosting our annual sponsored walk this year which will take place during the normal school day on Friday 13th October.

The event is a whole school event where all our community aim to complete the 15 kilometres round walk to Leith Hill Tower and back. It is also the perfect opportunity to raise money as a community for the school and beyond.

Money raised from our last walk in 2021 enabled us to buy new furniture for a number of classrooms and a deposit for a brand new minibus, for which we are awaiting delivery.

Money raised this year will again positively impact our students through the leasing of the new school minibus, enabling school trips, sports fixtures, Greenpower racing, Duke of Edinburgh and other enrichment activities and fixtures to run. In addition, we are partnering with a charity called Ukrainian Action that provides relief for people affected by the war in Ukraine. 

Please fill out the parental consent form. If you have two or more children at the school, please complete a separate form for each child.

Contact Us

Main Office: 01306 887 337
Student Absence: 01306 878 784
Finance Office: 01306 878 796

The Priory School
West Bank